Simple Strategy - Profitable Online Business
Let me do the research for you. We'll get together and plan out your first 10 videos. Already make videos? No problem let me help you get better results on your next 10 videos. Let's make sure you get exactly what you want from your hard work .. more views and clicks on your affiliate links!
Videos that rank in search show up in both YouTube™ and Google™ search results, this effectively doubles your traffic from one piece of content. This means at least 2X more clicks on your affiliate links!
Ranking in search is important, but there are other algorithms that are in play on YouTube™, and getting picked up or "found" by these algorithms all start with research. But you don't need to worry about that cause I'm going to do it all for you!
Why only show up in the 2nd largest search engine online when you could show up in the #1 search engine in the world? This is exactly what the DFY research will allow you to do, without all the hard work of doing it yourself .. cause I'm going to do it for you!
Not sure what exactly all this means? Watch this short video!
I'll do the research for 10 videos and provide you with the Keywords, Title. Also I'll provide full context of what the content should be to make sure that when your video ranks or gets picked up by the "algorithm" that it has the best chance to maintain peak view velocity!
I'll hand you ready to go fully optimized video titles.
Pick one and copy it
Set back and watch it rank
Jumpstart for your own research
A full list of keywords to make sure you have what you need for followup videos.
Full spread of niche specific keywords
Never run out of video ideas
Simply pick a new keyword from the list and create more profit pulling videos
Content Context
Discover the what and why behind the content you need to make commissions.
Context = Cash
Satisfy searcher intent
Win the click and earn the commission
That is why you are buying this case study. To see what I do and how I do it. Then you take that knowledge and apply it and gain the experience you are lacking. Don't over think the process. It's simple ... you watch what I do and copy it. As you gain more experience you improve on my results. The key is you are short cutting the process by leaning on my experience as you gain your own faster than you would without this case study.
First I would never guarantee you will get any results. But by being able to see the results that I've gotten, you will be able to apply the methods to your own online business. And the result at that point is you've taken action and possibly gone further than ever before. But as in all things in life there is no guarantee, other than that we all have the same amount of time in each day, so make the results of each day what you want them to be.
Of course. This is a recorded training and you will watch, learn and then do. All at your own pace.
After you go thru the training you will have access to me inside the members area via a discussion thread, help chat and also a dedicated Facebook™ group to get answers to your questions.
I only guarantee that I share everything about all 3 of my niches, the YouTube™ channels and everything I do to make money with them. I never will guarantee that you will make any more or have success. Remember most people that try to make money online fail.
I'm a real person. You can contact me and see me on Facebook and on all my YouTube™ channels. I have nothing to hide and if you have questions just ask. I only guarantee that I'm showing you what I do and how I make money. I don't say or guarantee you will, in fact it's well known that most people that try to make money online make nothing, or lose money trying. If you think this is a scam do not buy it.
Optimized research that will increase your views, clicks and commissons!